Vive Academy’s Mission Statement

While our mission is simply to help you remember who you are and how you are naturally designed to be a healthy, whole, and holy human being, Vive Academy’s purpose is to cultivate spaces where we can Practice The Basics together.

We believe personal relationships are the most important factor in any transformative and sustainable practice because relationships are the way we practice giving and receiving the love, encouragement, inspiration, nourishment, and connection needed to Breathe, Listen, Ask, Look, and Touch® the gift of life flowing, flying, crawling, singing, vibrating, shimmering, dancing, and constantly moving in, around, and through us.

Only by being, living, working, and playing together can we awaken awe and wonder, cultivate the sacredness of life, and become receivers and givers of life, truth, hope, joy, and love. Our individual and collective health, wholeness, and holiness are in the means (ways), not the ends (results), and we participate in the means to become our best selves in our daily practices, through our personal relationships, and by our living life.


We work with our clients to encourage care and participation in Living Loving Communities where healing can happen by sharing our experience, strength, and hope. VIVE Alchemy® is an integrative restoration process naturally designed to guide you in remembering who you are and how you are designed to be “healthy” without diets, extreme exercising programs, and endless amounts of rules, restrictions, and information. Together, we can return to the basics of whole-person health and rebuild a foundation of truth and understanding by cultivating the space to nourish each other.


Healthy communities are made up of healthy people. Vive works to reestablish healthy micro-communities where we work together for individual and collective growth and development.


We cultivate safe and loving environments to restore health, strengthen relationships, and transform the habits, routines, and practices necessary for personal and communal growth.


Returning to health involves remembering the truth of who we are and how we are designed to be and live as healthy human beings. Information does not possess the power to transform our health because health includes our spirits, hearts, minds, bodies, and relationships. However, the right information is vital to the educational process.