"Connection is health."

"Connection is health."

Health’s foundation is built in a community where we are known and accepted, grow and develop, fail and succeed, learn and mature. Health can never entirely be practiced by an individual because it is connected to our daily lives, where we live, the air we breathe, the food we grow and buy, the churches we attend, the schools where we learn, and by doing life with the people we like, love and even hate. We must remember that we are only as healthy as our relationships, communities, and world. Health is not an individual choice but a community practice of love, truth, care, and compassion. We can only practice the basics and strengthen our individual and communal health by working together.

Create the space to Practice The Basics:

Breathe: Inhale and exhale to cultivate awareness.

Listen: Listen to discover. Pay attention

Ask: Ask questions. Be curious.

Look: Look to receive and give nourishment.

Touch: Move to touch real life and awaken to reality.

Ask the question

Ask the question

Vive Health Truths

Vive Health Truths