Ask the question

Ask the question

For most of my life, I never asked this particular question or hardly any questions. Instead, I just did, with some stubborn resistance, what I was told to do. But something happened in 2015, after 15 years of what I like to call my Nike years of "Just doing it," and I was forced to ask "Where does health begin?" Yes, at 39 years old, I hit the proverbial wall once again, and I was forced to look at the results of what I was doing and how I had blindly followed the diet and fitness formula for "health."

A lot has transpired since I began asking the question almost nine years ago when I looked at my body, felt the disconnect, and saw the same disconnect happening in my clients, the club where I trained, and the culture at large. The path I took in 2015 to look for truth and follow the truth that flowed from the space created when I asked, "Where does health begin?" carried me in the opposite direction from everything I believed, taught, and did for the first 39 years of life. Not only was I a bit embarrassed and humbled by the truth, but I was set free to become the healthy human being I was naturally designed to be.

Today, I hope to begin sharing what I have learned and experienced, to share with you the truths I have learned along the way, and to invite you into a space where you can ask, "Where does health begin?". No, I don't believe health starts with a diet, workout, superfoods, a doctor's visit, blood work, shame, guilt, fear, or pain. Instead, I truly believe from the core of my being that health starts with awe, wonder, willingness, and a correct understanding of what health is, what it is not, and how it has been reduced in our day and time to a "result."

Today, I am asking for you to create the space by being willing to have a conversation about your health. A conversation that is desperately needed for us to remember who we are and how we are naturally designed to be healthy, whole, holy human beings living in a holy world with other healthy, whole, holy creatures.

More than ever, I believe health begins with willingness. Are we willing to ask questions? To be asked questions? To create the space by admitting we have not arrived at the place of health nirvana, maybe we don't know everything, and (hold your breath) maybe we are not health "experts." Are we willing to create the space for truth, to look at reality, and to look at what has resulted from our efforts without shame, guilt, or fear but with curiosity?

“Hi, I am back and I can’t wait to meet you!!”

“Hi, I am back and I can’t wait to meet you!!”

"Connection is health."

"Connection is health."